Monday, September 30, 2019

Outline for Adhd

I. What is ADHD? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder- a common behavior disorder that affects one in 15-20 school-age children. Boys are three times more likely to be diagnosed with it than girls, but there is no clear reason yet why more boys than girls are diagnosed with it. It is broken down into three subtypes: an inattentive type, with signs that include: * inability to pay attention to details or a tendency to make careless errors in schoolwork or other activities * difficulty with sustained attention in tasks or play activities * apparent listening problems * difficulty following instructions * problems with organization avoidance or dislike of tasks that require mental effort * tendency to lose things like toys, notebooks, or homework * distractibility * forgetfulness in daily activities 2. a hyperactive-impulsive type, with signs that include: * fidgeting or squirming * difficulty remaining seated * excessive running or climbing * difficulty playing quietly * always see ming to be â€Å"on the go† * excessive talking * blurting out answers before hearing the full question * difficulty waiting for a turn or in line * problems with interrupting or intruding 3. a combined type, which involves a combination of the other two types and is the most common A. Symptoms: impulsive, hyperactive, short attention span, trouble focusing, symptoms are present over a long period of time and occur in different settings, problems finishing tasks, disorganized, trouble following directions, easily distracted, appear forgetful or careless and frequently misplace things. 1. Explain similarities/differences of ADD and ADHD: Similarities: attention span is short, trouble controlling their behavior without medication and behavioral therapy, appear bored. Differences: ADD- attention deficit without hyperactivity and impulsiveness. ADHD- includes hyperactivity and impulsiveness. . ex of characteristics in boys: hyperactive/impulsive behavior, rough behavior b. ex of characteristics in girls: inattentive, forgetful, hyper-talkative, emotional hyper-reactive c. why it is harder to spot ADD/ADHD in girls than boys: girls are harder to spot because the criteria for spotting ADHD includes external behavioral characteristics such as aggression, defiance, and other behavioral management problems, which are more common in boys than in girls. Girls with ADHD tend to be shy, socially isolate themselves, driven or anxious, or over-focused on their studies B. How is ADHD diagnosed? There is no test that can determine whether a child has ADHD or not, just a complete evaluation. A primary care physician or the family pediatrician usually prescribes medication in the lowest dose form and does medication checks every month to see if the current dose is helping or if an increase is needed. Most of the time if there is no change at the current dose being taken, the physician increases the dose each month until adverse side effects start to be seen in the child, than a decrease in dosage happens until changes for the benefit of the child are noticed by the parent and the teachers. If there is any doubt a referral to a child psychologist or psychiatrist may be needed for further evaluation. To be considered for a diagnosis of ADHD: * a child must display behaviors from one of the three subtypes before age 7 * these behaviors must be more severe than in other kids the same age * the behaviors must last for at least 6 months * the behaviors must occur in and negatively affect at least two areas of a child's life (such as school, home, day-care settings, or friendships). The physician does a complete physical exam to rule out any other medical problems. 1. Adult Observations: Parents are asked to fill out a behavioral evaluation form that contains different behaviors in different settings and the strengths and weaknesses of their child. If there is a day-care provider, teacher, or any other family member or friend who spends time with the child evaluations are sent to them. The physician looks over all the completed evaluation, and then talks it over with an approved child psychologist with the permission of the parent, and then the physician, psychologist, parent and child all come together and talk about possible treatment options. a. Teachers – even HS teachers need to be aware of it nd/or learn how to spot it in high-schoolers and even other ages of children. ADHD can go undiagnosed for years. Some kids outgrow it others struggle with it even into high-school and through adulthood. b. Medical Examination II. What causes ADHD? It has biological origins that aren’t quite understood. There isn’t a single cause but researches are looking at a combination of factors such as genetics, environmental, chemical imbalances in the brain. II. How is ADHD treated? Can’t be cured but can be successfully managed. III. Stimulants are the best-known treatments — they've been used for more than 50 years in the treatment of ADHD. Some require several doses per day, each lasting about 4 hours; some last up to 12 hours. Possible side effects include decreased appetite, stomachache, irritability, and insomnia. There's currently no evidence of long-term side effects. IV. Nonstimulants were approved for treating ADHD in 2003. These appear to have fewer side effects than stimulants and can last up to 24 hours. V. Antidepressants are sometimes a treatment option; however, in 2004 the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning that these drugs may lead to a rare increased risk of suicide in children and teens. If an antidepressant is recommended for your child, be sure to discuss these risks with your doctor. Medications can affect kids differently, and a child may respond well to one but not another. When determining the correct treatment, the doctor might try various medications in various doses, especially if your child is being treated for ADHD along with another disorder. A. Medication 1. Medication can be very beneficial a. All kids should have the option of being treated because it can significantly help their ability to focus/concentrate and reach their full potential B. Types of Medication 1. Stimulants a. benefits b. negative aspects . Non Stim/Herbal Remedies a. benefits b. negative aspects 3. Behavioral Therapy: Behavioral Therapy Research has shown that medications used to help curb impulsive behavior and attention difficulties are more effective when combined with behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy attempts to change behavior patterns by: * reorganizing a child's home and school environment * giving clear directions and commands * setting up a system of consistent rewards for appropriate behaviors and negative consequences for inappropriate ones Here are examples of behavioral strategies that may help a child with ADHD: * Create a routine. Try to follow the same schedule every day, from wake-up time to bedtime. Post the schedule in a prominent place, so your child can see what's expected throughout the day and when it's time for homework, play, and chores. * Get organized. Put schoolbags, clothing, and toys in the same place every day so your child will be less likely to lose them. * Avoid distractions. Turn off the TV, radio, and computer games, especially when your child is doing homework. * Limit choices. Offer a choice between two things (this outfit, meal, toy, etc. , or that one) so that your child isn't overwhelmed and overstimulated. Change your interactions with your child. Instead of long-winded explanations and cajoling, use clear, brief directions to remind your child of responsibilities. * Use goals and rewards. Use a chart to list goals and track positive behaviors, then reward your child's efforts. Be sure the goals are realistic (think baby steps rather than overnight success). * Discipline effectively. Instead of yelling or spanking, use timeouts or removal of privileges as consequences for inappropriate behavior. Younger kids may simply need to be distracted or ignored until they display better behavior. * Help your child discover a talent. All kids need to experience success to feel good about themselves. Finding out what your child does well — whether it's sports, art, or music — can boost social skills and self-esteem. a. benefits b. negative aspects Alternative Treatments Currently, the only ADHD therapies that have been proven effective in scientific studies are medications and behavioral therapy. But your doctor may recommend additional treatments and interventions depending on your child's symptoms and needs. Some kids with ADHD, for example, may also need special educational interventions such as tutoring, occupational therapy, etc. Every child's needs are different. A number of other alternative therapies are promoted and tried by parents including: megavitamins, body treatments, diet manipulation, allergy treatment, chiropractic treatment, attention training, visual training, and traditional one-on-one â€Å"talking† psychotherapy. However, scientific research has not found them to be effective, and most have not been studied carefully, if at all. Parents should always be wary of any therapy that promises an ADHD â€Å"cure. † If you're interested in trying something new, speak with your doctor first. Parent Training Parenting a child with ADHD often brings special challenges. Kids with ADHD may not respond well to typical parenting practices. Also, because ADHD tends to run in families, parents may also have some problems with organization and consistency themselves and need active coaching to help learn these skills. Experts recommend parent education and support groups to help family members accept the diagnosis and to teach them how to help kids organize their environment, develop problem-solving skills, and cope with frustrations. Training can also teach parents to respond appropriately to a child's most trying behaviors with calm disciplining techniques. Individual or family counseling can also be helpful. ADHD in the Classroom As your child's most important advocate, you should become familiar with your child's medical, legal, and educational rights. Kids with ADHD are eligible for special services or accommodations at school under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) and an anti-discrimination law known as Section 504. Keep in touch with teachers and school officials to monitor your child's progress. In addition to using routines and a clear system of rewards, here are some other tips to share with teachers for classroom success: * Reduce seating distractions. Lessening distractions might be as simple as seating your child near the teacher instead of near the window. * Use a homework folder for parent-teacher communications. The teacher can include assignments and progress notes, and you can check to make sure all work is completed on time. * Break down assignments. Keep instructions clear and brief, breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces. * Give positive reinforcement. Always be on the lookout for positive behaviors. Ask the teacher to offer praise when your child stays seated, doesn't call out, or waits his or her turn instead of criticizing when he or she doesn't. Teach good study skills. Underlining, note taking, and reading out loud can help your child stay focused and retain information. * Supervise. Check that your child goes and comes from school with the correct books and materials. Sometimes kids are paired with a buddy to can help them stay on track. * Be sensitive to self-esteem issues. Ask the teacher to provide feedback to your child in private, and avoid asking your child to perform a task in public that might be too difficult. * Involve the school counselor or psychologist. He or she can help design behavioral programs to address specific problems in the classroom. Helping Your Child You're a stronger advocate for your child when you foster good partnerships with everyone involved in your child's treatment — that includes teachers, doctors, therapists, and even other family members. Take advantage of all the support and education that's available, and you'll help your child navigate toward success. Reviewed by: Richard S. Kingsley, MD Date reviewed: September 2008 Originally reviewed by: W. Douglas Tynan, PhD Back

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Comparing Sonny’s Blues to the Cathedral

1. Is Patrick lonely? In my opinion, I feel as though the boy is lonely, living in such a remote and desolate place, with only his father to spend his time with. For example Ondaatje says, â€Å"He was born into a region which did not appear on a map until 1910, though his family had worked there for twenty hears and the land had been homesteaded since 1816. In the school atlas the place is pale green and nameless. The river slips out of an unnamed lake†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (10-11).Patrick’s characteristics makes him seem sad or withdrawn from society, for he spends his time gazing out the window searching for bugs. Ondaatje exclaims, â€Å"He walks back into the bright kitchen and moves from window to window to search out the moths pinioned against the screens, clinging to the brightness†¦ Bugs, plant hoppers, grasshoppers, rust-dark moths†¦throughout the summer he records their visits and sketches the repeaters â€Å" (9). I feel bad for Patrick, that his only companio ns are the bugs flying around his house, in search for light.Although Patrick does have his father, his dad doesn’t pay him any attention, unless they are working together. Ondaatje says, â€Å"Hazen Lewis was an abashed man, withdrawn from the world around him, uninterested in the habits of civilization outside his own focus. He would step up to his horse and assume it, as if it were a train, as if flesh and blood did not exist† (15). It would be rough to grow up in that kind of unloving environment. It would be difficult to feel you had to earn your love.For Patrick’s father, only praises him when they are successful at work. For example, Ondaatje says, â€Å"They begin to run back home, looking behind them to see if the cow is following. The boy gasps, ‘If she goes into the ice again I’m not doing a thing’ ‘Neither am I’ yells his father, laughing† (16). The only part in the story when the boys Father demonstrates warmt h and kindness towards his son, is when they save the cow from drowning. The fathers introverted attitude, makes me question how he became so incredibly withdrawn from society.It makes me wonder what happened to his wife. Did she die? Is that the reason why he chooses to act so distant from his son? Does he remind him of her? Patrick’s absent mother also makes me question if that is the reason why Patrick is so quite and reclusive, like his father. With Patrick’s mother missing from his life and Patrick’s father uncommunicative, it causes him to live a very lonely, unhappy, and solitary life. 3. Patrick’s unloving and solitary environment is the reason for his unhappiness.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Whether the Current Rules, for Admitting Expert Evidence in Criminal Research Paper

Whether the Current Rules, for Admitting Expert Evidence in Criminal Proceedings, Are Too Laissez-Faire - Research Paper Example There are three criteria in which the judge is allowed to admit evidence from an expert. The first criteria state that â€Å"When the court needs any assistance from an expert; the expert’s evidence must deal with something† (McKie, 2012). This is so because, without instructions or advice from an expert, the court may be unable to reach a sound conclusion as to the subject matter† (McKie, 2012). The second criteria concern the fact that â€Å"the expert witness must have sufficient understanding of the theory and practice of the subject question† (McKie, 2012). Moreover, the last criteria check the possibility of substantial evidence proposed in the expert's reports being reliable. This issues a directive that all forensic experts must be part of a registered body of science. The expert should have extended experience in the field. They should also have a good reputation and acknowledgment in the field to guarantee justice in an opinion offered (Procedures for the Evidence Act, 1999). The entire discussion in this paper revolves around the fact that across the world justice systems are failing. This is due to the fact that error created by forensic expert’s evidence tabled cannot be validated by the courts (Bohan, 2004).To make the matter worse, the judiciary systems are not even talking about the weakness in evidence validation. This has increases vast doubt about the authenticity, accuracy, and admissibility of forensic evidence by judges (McKie, 2012). Although not all cases are faced with miscarriage of justice as a result of sham evidence, people who are innocent do end up behind the bar. Flawed experts evidence can result in criminal conviction and even execution by law courts. The truth of the matter is that how most judged verify the mentioned criteria is a bit of a misery.

Stem cell research and why it should have more funding Paper

Stem cell and why it should have more funding - Research Paper Example The decision was affirmed by President Bush but recently most of the restrictions were lifted by President Obama. I think that although majority of the people present all around the world do not support the research on the embryonic stem cells, it should still be funded by the Federal because of the potential health benefits related to it, opportunity for lifting the regulation for ethical research and also for the purpose of defining human beings (Stem Cell Research). The wide range of perspectives that are being used for the stem cells are constantly improving the wellbeing and health of the people. In the treatment of stem cells, the undifferentiated cells are programmed in a way that they form specific type of cells that can be later on transplanted to the afflicted area of the body. Stem cells can be used for treating afflictions such as the injuries related to the spinal cord, burns, strokes, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis (Murnaghan). Stem cell is also being used for drug testing. Different untested drugs are first used on the stem cells, which later develop into different target tissues before directly using it on human beings. This improves safety and saves the precious lives of human beings. The transplantation of organs that are formed from the stem cells would eradicate the need of human donors. Embryonic stem cell is considered to be the most promising one because it is undifferentiated and it can easily develop into the targeted tissue. As stem cells has the ability to form specific cells; therefore they have the greatest potential for the treating some major ailments in future. One of the recent developments in the researches related to stem cells is creation of the induced pluripotent cells, which are considered to be the adult cells that become undifferentiated after a series of different treatments.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Legacy of the Prophet and the Society Assignment

The Legacy of the Prophet and the Society - Assignment Example In his book, Shadid notes that the face of Islam in the Middle East has changed from one perceived to be wary and violent to a peaceful one. Thanks to Islamic activists who have undergone great transformation helping the poor and providing solace through their social activism. Hashemi also records that the argument in The Legacy of the prophet was mainly based on the change in political Islam. This political change represents the modern Islam and is characterized by advocacy for democracy and non-violence. These Islamic movements have demonstrated a shift from the older militant process to a more democratic process. The modern Islam advocate for moral Islamic commitment and community loyalty, economic justice and a place for women in society, and advocate for a state governed by Islamic Sharia. These would translate into a modern society. Kurzman notes that there are three models of Sharia: Liberal sharia, silent Sharia and interpreted sharia. Some of the issues raised in The Legacy of the Prophet are representation of the models presented by Kurzman. This is particular with the â€Å"interpreted sharia†. According to the model, sharia is welcome to interpretation. The fact that modern Islam advocate for democracy and liberalization links them to â€Å"interpreted sharia† model. Model is seen as liberal allowing for re-interpretation of sharia. The model also depicts sharia as divine. This aspect is evident in the modern Islams when they advocate for a state governed by Sharia which is divine  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Services Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Services Marketing - Essay Example Even in emerging economics, services output is growing rapidly and often represents at least half of GDP (World Bank, 1996). In developed countries, knowledge based services - defined as those that are intensive uses of high technology and/or have relatively highly skilled workforces are providing the most dynamic components (Peneder, Kaniovsky and Dachs, 2003, 47-66). What is service: A service is an act or performance offered by one party to another. Although the process may be tied to a physical product, the performance is transitory, often intangible in nature, and does not normally result in ownership of any of the factors of production. So it has been very clear that In the case of goods, the benefits come from ownership of physical objects or devices, whereas in services the benefits are created by actions or performances (Bery, 1980). The dynamic environment of services today places a premium on effective marketing. Christian Gronsoos (2001) argues that service-marketing function is much broader than the activities and output of the traditional marketing department, requiring close cooperation between marketers and those managers responsible for operations and human resources (Gronsoos, 2001, 26-27). To run on efficient operation Employees must be customer oriented in addition to being concerned about efficiency. The service product must be tailored to customer needs, priced realistically, distributed through convenient channels, and actively promoted to customers. Difference of service marketing: Marketing management tasks in services sector tend to differ from those in manufacturing sector in several important respects i.e. in services customer do not obtain ownership of services, service product are ephemeral and cannot be inventoried, intangible element dominate value creation, customers may be involved in the production process, other people may form part of the product, there is greater variability in operational inputs and outputs, many services are difficult for customers to evaluate, the time factor assumes great importance and distribution channel takes different forms. Although it's useful to distinguish marketing, it's also important to recognize that there are marketing relevant differences among services themselves. Types of services: Numerous proposals have been made for classifying services (Lovelock, 1983, 9-20). A particularly significant classification is based on the processes by which services are created and delivered. By looking at service processes from a purely operational perspective, we can categorized into four main categories i.e. people processing includes our company i.e. Hotel industry specifically Radisson Hotel & Resorts, the service directed by people's bodies, possession processing, the service directed at physical possessions include Transportation, warehousing etc., Mental stimulus processing i.e. services directed at people's mind includes Advertisement/PR, entertainment, education etc. and information processing, the services directed at intangible assets include Banking, data processing, legal service etc. Nothing can alter the fact that people processing services require the customer to be physically present with in the service premises, in our case in the Hotel. When customers visit a service factory (Hotel), their satisfaction

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Analysis of Strategy from movie Moneyball Essay

The Analysis of Strategy from movie Moneyball - Essay Example This approach involves the scouting and analysis of players followed by their acquisition. Through this strategy, they acquire Chad Bradford, a pitcher, and Scott Hatteberg, a catcher. They go on to win an American league record 20 games in a row. This team did not qualify into the World Series in 2002, and they have not made in back into the series ten years down the line. These years remained impressive ones, not only in the history of the game, but also in the franchise. The need to get this team back into World Series, and win more titles called for the team’s top management to adopt and implement new strategies, which will ensure the future success of this team. This paper, therefore, seeks to describe how new strategies, especially technology and innovation, can create a competitive advantage for an organization with reference to the movie â€Å"Money ball’s Strategy†. The Oakland A’s vision was to find young players who had little ability for pay ne gotiations (Rosner & Kenneth). In 1995, new management broke up the roster of the team in order to trim costs and this caused performances to nose dive. At this same period, they designed the new strategy based on a low budget, concentrating on on-base percentage. By 1999, performances had begun to improve, with their revenue responding to this performance. Attendance spiked dramatically, while ticket prices also rose. This showed that their strategy for getting victory in games was successful at exploiting the opportunity at profit. During the period spanning 2000-2004, the average position player’s wage went up from $2.6 million to $3 million (Rosner & Kenneth 358). Home run hitters earned approximately $3.5 million more than the rest of the players. This was difficult for the Oakland A’s team to follow, since they were not in a position to challenge well-established and financially sound teams. However, the Oakland A’s discovered that there was gross underval uation of on-base percentage in the market. The most significant method of measuring skill at batting had been batting average, which weighted home runs and singles the same. The slugging percentage was also in use where home runs counted four times as much as singles. These two, however, ignored walks and sacrifices. There was undervaluation of the ability to get on base. Lack of hitters possessing superior skill at market premiums, who master the patient art of touching base via walks, validated the A’s approach in identifying these players. This translated into winning more games at a discount compared to their competition. At first, however, the team’s scouts were hostile and dismissive to the sabermetrics approach that was non-traditional for scouting players. The manager began to select players based on base percentage, therefore, assembling a team with more potential than their finances would have allowed. The Oakland A’s used an integrated low-cost and d ifferentiation strategy (Rosner & Kenneth 358). This allowed them to adapt to the changing financial environment, which was going beyond them, allowing them to learn and integrate new technologies and skills, while improving their ability to leverage core competencies more effectively across their business model, and enabling them to purchase hitters with improved features at much lower costs. Using this strategy, they managed to exploit the low market demand that was there for those kinds of hitters

Monday, September 23, 2019

Emuglents Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Emuglents - Assignment Example This means that the initial droplet size will drop from the value of 8 (though also highly dependent on applied energy). Furthermore, the creaming percentages will also reduce. This is due to the fact that an increase in emulgent concentration leads to a higher viscosity emulsion. This affects the speed of migration of the dispersed phase, and thus slows creaming and subsequent coalescence. After re-dispersion, the particulate size will be reduced. This is because, if the repulsion theory holds, some micelles may remain formed, and these will have a smaller size than the initial coalesced molecule size. The C4 has a large droplet size with a reducing creaming percentage. This is interesting, as it implies increasing stability of the emulsion. According to Stokes-Einstein equation (Chern 2008), it is clearly deducible. A droplet will float upwards at ever increasing speeds in response to the buoyancy force until the velocity is sufficient to allow the frictional force to exactly match it. When With the addition of a second emulgent, the viscosity may cause an increased coefficient of friction to a point whereby the emulsion C4 will be stable (unlike the other emulsions). This will drastically reduce the creaming and coalescence. The resultant particle size after eventual coalescence may be smaller due to the same factor of micelle

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Worst Disease That You Could Ever Get Essay Example for Free

The Worst Disease That You Could Ever Get Essay At first when this assignment was presented to us I planned to write something about the worst disease anyone could get. At first a lot of diseases came into my mind. I thought about cancer, AIDS, ulcers, thalassemia etc. But as I was surfing the net in order to find more information about one of those diseases I realized that there were so many diseases that were even worse than the ones I thought. I had had the chance to hear about some of them but when I read more about them I realized that I knew so little. Some of them may not be life threatening diseases but anyway it is hard for those people to live in that way. Healthy person has a million wishes, a sick one only one. Unfortunately, for this people, even the wishes wont help. Some examples of these kind of diseases may be: * PROGERIA = is an extremely rare genetic disease wherein symptoms resembling aspects of aging are manifested at an early age. * Leontiasis Ossea (LION FACE SYNDROME ) = is a rare medical condition, characterized by an overgrowth of the facial and cranial bones. It is not a disease in itself, but a symptom of other diseases, including Pagets disease, fibrous dysplasia, hyperparathyroidism and renal osteodystrophy. * PORPHYRIA (THE VAMPIRE DISEASE) = The porphyrias are a group of rare inherited or acquired disorders of certain enzymes that normally participate in the production of porphyrins and heme. They manifest with either neurological complications or skin problems, or occasionally both. * NECROTISING FASCILITIS = commonly known as flesh-eating disease or flesh-eating bacteria syndrome, is a rare infection of the deeper layers of skin and subcutaneou tissues, easily spreading across the fascial plane within the subcutaneous tissue. * FIBRODISPLASIA OSSIFICANNS PROGRESSIVA = sometimes referred to as Stone Man Syndrome, is an extremely rare disease of the connective tissue. A mutation of the bodys repair mechanism causes fibrous tissue (including muscle, tendon, and ligament) to be ossified when damaged. In many cases, injuries can cause joints to become permanently frozen in place. Surgical removal of the extra bone growths has been shown to cause the body to repair the affected area with more bone. But I would like to center my attention on two diseases of this kind. Grisi siknis Imagine yourself having dinner with your family when suddenly you fall into a trance-like state, your eyes roll back into your head, your body becomes rigid and you are completely oblivious to the outside world. All your family hears is swearing, grunts and painful groans coming from your taunt, stretched face. Your body suddenly goes into convulsions before you jump up attacking your family members or unseen assailants with all your strength (double what it was before you fell ill). You tear at your skin, pull out your hair, eat whatever roaches, spiders or insects are within reach and speak in tongues. Other victims are reported to have performed superhuman feats or they speak the names of the next to be infected, although it is not always accurate. During attacks, victims report mental visions in which devils or evil spirits come for them, and have sex with them. These victims will remain in this state for days or even weeks and they are completely unaware of what is going on and what they are doing during this period of time. It sounds like a horror film scene or something like that, doesn’t it? But that’s nothing more than the Grisi siknis. Grisi siknis (in Miskito language, means â€Å"crazy sickness†) is a contagious, culture-bound syndrome that occurs predominantly among the Miskito People of eastern Central America and affects mainly young girls from 15 to 18 years old. According to western physicians this is classified as a dissociative fugue, which is distinguished by impulsive travel and amnesia, identity uncertainty, stress, and impediment to normal social function. It is most often related to intense emotional stress, emotional upset, worry, fear and general anxiety (whereas Miskito tradition holds that Grisi siknis is caused by possession by evil spirits). But despite the western physicians theories the Grisi siknis can be treated only by traditional Miskito healing methods. The Miskito healers may use vapor baths, herbal remedies, exposure to dead people, pregnant women and various meats etc. Ondines curse What about the Odine’s curse?! Have you ever heard about that? According to the French folk tale Odine was a breathtaking beautiful nymph. But as we all know if a nymph or mermaid falls in love with a human and bears his child than she will â€Å"lose† her immortality. That is what happened to Odine when she saw the handsome Palemon. When Palemon saw Odine, he was taken by her incredible beauty, as well. Eventually thay fell in love and got married (after Palemon broke his engagement with the young Berta). When they  exchanged the wedding oaths, Palemon vowed that My every waking breath shall be my pledge of love and faithfulness to you. The following year Odine gave birth to their son and as a consequence she lost her immortality. After a long period of time things began to change until finally Odine found her husband lay sleeping with his arms wrapped around his former fianceà © Berta. Having sacrificed her immortality for this man, she was filled with anger and regret. She woke him and uttered her curse. You pledged faithfulness to me with your every waking breath and I accepted that pledge. So be it. For as long as you are awake, you shall breathe. But should you ever fall into sleep, that breath will desert you. Ondine still retained some of her magic . . . enough to make the curse come true. ****** Ondines curse, also called congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) or primary alveolar hypoventilation, is a respiratory disorder that is fatal if untreated. Persons afflicted with Ondines curse classically suffer from respiratory arrest during sleep. It is is congenital or developed due to severe neurological trauma to the brainstem. In other words these patients should make a voluntary breathing; if they forget to do so then the consequences would be fatal. The symptoms of this disease are: * tumors of the sympathetic ganglia * difficulty swallowing * anomalies of the pupilla * darkening of skin color * drowsiness * fatigue * headaches * inability to sleep at night etc.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The viscosity of syrup Essay Example for Free

The viscosity of syrup Essay C intervals. The results are shown below in table and graph form. Time (s) Temperature (m) Speed (m/s) As I expected, the jar rolled faster at higher temperatures and slower at lower temperatures. At 0i C, the syrup was solid across one side of the jar. At this point the jar would not roll at all (this result is not shown on the graph so as not to effect the line of best fit). This was again because of the centre of gravity and the affect it has on the turning force. As the syrup cannot flow the centre of gravity settles directly above the contact point of the slope and the jar and will not move. The quicker the mass changes from one side of the jar to another the quicker the jar will role down the slope. This is shown in the diagram below. The Boltzmann Factor: The Boltzmann factor explains why the syrup flows quicker when warmer. It tells us that if a molecule is given enough energy (in this case by the heat energy) then it can break free from its surrounding molecules and flow. The more energy the flame gives the molecules the quicker they can flow into new positions. The formula for this is E/kT where E is the activation energy required to break the bonds between two molecules and kT is a constant (k)(depending on the liquid) and T the temperature in Kelvins. The formula shows that if kT is greater than E then the liquid will flow. As we do not know the constant we cannot work out the activation energy. Despite this the results still show that this is what is happening. This is relevant to this experiment as the higher the temperature the more energy the molecules will flow, so the syrup will flow easier. Anomalies: There were many places in my experiment where errors could have occurred. For example, when measuring the temperature of the syrup I removed some that was stuck to the thermometer. I scraped of as much as possible, but still some remained on the thermometer. Because of this I think my results are accurate to the nearest gram of syrup. The two most obvious places where inaccuracies could have occurred were, the constantly changing temperature and timing using my reactions. I think that these inaccuracies are minor and did not affect the results of the experiment in an important way. The results that I feel show this are the 64 and 66i C results where the jar appears to go faster as the temperature decreases. Because of this I have decided to ignore these results. Another major inaccuracy is in the grains of the slope, as it was not perfectly smooth. I think that although the grains may have slowed the jar down at some points, the jar then accelerated rapidly after this, so the average speed was about the same. However I cannot prove this so I will repeat some of the experiment on a metallic surface to see if I get the same results. Repeat: To repeat the experiment I shall use a metallic runway to stop friction from the slope affecting my results. Having one some preliminary rolls, I realised that the slope I was using, which was thinner than the other slope, meant that the jar repeatedly got jammed against the edges. I therefore decided to roll the jar 20cm, and use average velocities to compare my original results with my new results. I also decided to only repeat the experiment between 30-50i C, as these seemed a particular place of interest in the experiment. My results from the repeats are shown below. Conclusion: Despite these errors I still feel my results are/Are not accurate (I will repeat exp. Using metallic surface. The points between 30-50i C Show a clear change from a low velocity to a high velocity. I therefore concluded that this is comparable to activation energy. Activation energy is where a molecule has enough energy to perform a reaction. In this case the molecules have enough energy to change state from a very viscous liquid to a much less viscous liquid.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Review on Micro-climate Changer with Sensor Broadcasted Data

Review on Micro-climate Changer with Sensor Broadcasted Data Prof. Vikas Nandgaonkar, Prof.Prashant Dongare Pratap Madane, Priyanka Rasal,Aniket Shilimkar, Vaibhav Waghmode Abstract : micro-environment changer using sensor broadcasted data gives human centric context ( e.g indoor, outdoor, at home/in office, driving/walking)have been extensively researched, few attempts have studied from phones perspective(e.g. on table/sofa, in pocket/bag/hand). We refer to such immediate surroundings as micro-environment, usually several to a dozen of centimeters, around a phone In this study, we design and implement a micro environment sensing platform that automatically records sensor hints and characterize the micro-environment of Smartphone. The platform runs as a daemon process on Smartphone and provide finer-grained environment to upper layer applications via programming interface. micro-environment is unified framework converting the major cases of phone usage, placement , attitude. And interaction in practical uses with complicated user habits. As a long-term running middleware, considers both energy consumption and user friendship. We prototype micro-environm ent on Android OS. The preliminary results show that -environment changer using sensor broadcasted data achieves low energy cost, rapid system deployment, and competitive sensing accuracy. Keywords— Sherlock, broadcasted data, Proximity Sensor, web sensing, micro -environment of smartphones. I. Introduction Now days the use of mobile phone is increasing rapidly According to the version of mobile different sensors are inbuilt. The Smartphone has many inbuilt sensors like GPS, Proximity, Accelerometer, Gyro scope, Magnetic etc. using this sensors we develop many applications for different purpose. In Smartphone sensors continuously broadcasted data. We will be developing various applications using that data for security as well as for saving the battery of mobile. Sherlock is a unified framework covering the major cases of phone usage, placement, attitude, and interaction in practical uses with complicated user habits. We prototype Sherlock on Android OS and systematically evaluate its performance with data collected. Sherlock achieves low energy cost, rapid system deployment, and competitive sensing accuracy. Sherlock runs as a daemon process. Most context-sensible applications are human-centric, recognizing contexts from users point of view e.g., indoor/outdoor[9] , at home/in office, driving/walking[2] .Such information provide services according to user situation. For example, if a mobile phone is in a bag or pocket, it is useless to light up the screen when a phone call is coming. In addition, if a phone is placed on a sofa rather than on a desk, it is better to turn-up ring volume to avoid missing calls. Given accurate micro-environment Information, a phone can adapt its behaviour automatically and properly. when a mobile phone detects if its user is holding it in hand for safety .[2] When a user enters a building, it is unnecessary to keep his phone’sGPS[10] working to save energy. II. NTRODUCTION TO SMART PHONE Smartphone has open operating systems, such as Windows Mobile, Symbian, and Linux and scalable hard ware-software multi-function. Mobile phones and other wireless devices are becoming increasingly popular and that world expanded tremendously. [5]With the development of information technology, Smartphone have become the mainstream in the mobile market and have gradually occupied the market steadily. For getting new features traditional phones are replaced by Smart phones. Smartphone has several advantages over the traditional mobile phones: Keep full functionality of the traditional mobile phones (e.g. phone conversation, text message and so on). With the ability of plugging into the Internet . It is a kind of cell phone which includes personal information manager, schedule control, multimedia application and internet connection.[13] A Android features Reuse and replacement of components Integrated browser Optimized graphics Media support GSM Telephony Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, and WiFi . III.ROPOSED SYSTEM A. System Overview: 1) Input: Microenvironment also known as a micro habitat, a very small, specific area in a habitat, distinguished from its immediate surroundings by factors such as the amount of incident light, the degree of moisture, and the range of temperatures. In our system there are different micro environments such as phone placement, pattern recognition, pressure on touch screen, [5] phone interaction etc. are sensing by sensors. 2) Processing: There are 3 steps Smart phone sensors Action listener Business Logic Smart phone which contains many built in sensors these sensors are Magnetic sensor, Camera and GPS, Pressure sensor, Proximity sensor etc. [2] These sensors sense the provided input environment and sends sensing data to Action listener which triggers actions. These actions are processing in Business Logic. Applications extract data from business logic and generate output according to applications[5]. 3) Output: From the input and processing blocks various applications will be generated such as No vibration and increasing ringtone volume, [7] Theft detection, women’s security and Automatic call acceptance. B. System Architecture: Hardware layer is lower layer. It consists of all sensors which are used in Smartphone. There are different types of sensors like Accelerometer, Camera, [1][2] Proximity, Gyroscope etc.The sensor continuously broadcast the data and captures the mobile environment and gives captured data as input to upper layer i.e. middleware layer. According to the data received from the hardware layer it detects the behavior of the user and performs action accordingly.[7][15] There are two types of detection. Phone Placement:- [9] This detection detects the placement of the mobile. It detects where the mobile is placed in hand, in pocket, on desk etc. [11]Phone interaction detection:- This detection detects whether the user is interacting or not. The interaction can be receiving call,[3][6] browsing. Backing material detection:-This detection detects the backing material of the phone where it is placed. The material can be glass, wood, leather. pressersensor, gyroscope etc.  are behind these Smartphone’s. Let us understand how each sensor works with respect to its operating principle. 1) Proximity Sensor: [4]The main function of this proximity sensor is to detect how close your Smartphone’s screen is to your bod y. [9] When you use your Smartphone, it detects the position of ear with respect to screen and turn s off the light of screen and saves battery. Also proximity sensor stops the accidental touch, unwanted input during talk. [5] These sensors also detect the signal strength, interference sources and amplify or filter by use of Beam Forming Technique. Fig2: System Architecture[17] According to detection pattern output from the middleware layer is given as input to upper layer i.e. application layer. From the input the application layer performs the actions[13][14]. C. Sensors: [16] D. Introduction to Sensors: Since the beginning of race in mobile communication, a new model is being launched every day into the world with different features. These new features and specifications gain enough fame of users to survive in the competition of mobile technology. [10]Today different manufacturers like Samsung, Apple, Sony, HTC and many more manufactures of smart phones and became competitors. [13][11]One of the features that attract the mobile phone buyer is the smart work it does. Different types of sensors like accelerometer, ambient light sensor, GPS sensor, compass, proximity[11]. 2) GPS (Global Positioning System) sensor: GPS short form of Global Positioning System, originally developed and setup for military operations and was made available for everyone in 1980s by government[8]. 3) Ambient Light Sensor: This sensor optimizes the light of screen when it exposed to normal light with different intensity. [3] Ultimate function of ambient light sensor is to adjust the display brightness, which at the end saves the battery power and life too. 4) Accelerometer The main function of accelerometer rise to sense the changes in the orientation of[13][11] Smartphone with respect to datum and adjust the orientation to suits the viewing angle of operator. For example, when you are looking for web-page with increased width, you can get this landscape view from changing the orientation of phone to horizontal.[11][8] These features are then utilized to determine whether the phone is in motion. There are plenty of moving detection schemes that can successfully vibration patterns: 1) the phone’s mechanical motion and 2) the acoustical features, which can be captured by embedded accelerometer and microphone, respectively. To this end, Sherlock extracts a series of lightweight features from acceleration/acoustic traces in both time and frequency domain, and classifies backing materials like leather chair, wood desk or glass table. 5) Gyros or Gyroscope: This function is to maintain and control the sensors This position, level or orientation based on the principle of angular momentum.[6] When Gyros used along with senses motion from six axes i.e. right, left, accelerometer up,  down, forward and backward. CONCLUSION In this paper we present the design, implementation and evaluation of Sherlock simple yet practical platform for micro-environment sensing for Smartphone via collaboration among built-in sensors.[11] The platform automatically collects sensor hints and characterizes the immediate surroundings of Smartphone at centimeter level accuracy, providing fine-grained environment in formation to upper layer application. REFERENCES [1] J. Yang, S. Sdhom, G. Chandrasekaran, T. Vu, H. Liu, N. Cecan,  Y. Chen, M. Gruteser and R. Martin, Detecting Driver Phone Use  Leveraging Car Speakers. In MOBICOM’11, 2011. [2] S. Nath. ACE: Exploiting Correlation for Energy-Efficient and  Continuous Context Sensing. In MobiSys’12, 2012. [3] T. Yan, D. Chu, D. Ganesan, A. Kansal, and J. Liu. Fast app  launching for mobile devices using predictive user context. In  MobiSys’12, 2012. [4] C. Qin, X. Bao, R. Roy Choudhury, and S. Nelakuditi. Tagsense:  a smartphone-based approach to automatic image tagging. In  MobiSys’11, 2011. [5] H. Lu, W. Pan, N. D. Lane, T. Choudhury, and A. T. Campbell.  Soundsense: scalable sound sensing for people-centric applications  on mobile phones. In MobiSys’09, 2009. [6] H. Lu, J. Yang, Z. Liu, N. D. Lane, T. Choudhury, and A. T.  Campbell. The jigsaw continuous sensing engine for mobile phone  applications. In SenSys’10, 2010. [7] M. Azizyan, I. Constandache, and R. Choudhury. SurroundSense:  Mobile phone localization via ambience fingerprinting. In MOBICOM’  09, 2009. [8] A. Rai, K. Chintalapudi, V. Padmanabhan, and R. Sen. Zee: Zero-Effort Crowdsourcing for Indoor Localization. In MOBICOM’12,  2012. [9] P. Zhou, Y. Zheng, Z. Li, M. Li, and G. Shen. IODetector: A Generic  Service for Indoor Outdoor Detection. In SenSys’12, 2012. [10] X. Zhu, Q. Li, G. Chen. APT: Accurate Outdoor Pedestrian  Tracking with Smartphones. In INFOCOM’13, 2013. [11] P. Mohan, V. Padmanabhan, and R. Ramjee. Rich Monitoring of  Roads and Traffic Using Mobile Smartphones. In SenSys’08, 2008. [12] A. Thiagarajan, L. Ravindranath, K. LaCurts, S. Madden, H.  Balakrishnan, S. Toledo, and J. Eriksson. Vtrack: accurate, energyaware  road traffic delay estimation using mobile phones. In Sen-Sys’09, 2009. [13] C. Tacconi, S. Mellone, L. Chiari. Smartphone-based applications  for investigating falls and mobility. In PervasiveHealth’11, 2011. [14] J. Dai, X. Bai, Z. Yang, Z. Shen, D. Xuan. PerFallD: A Pervasive  Fall Detection System Using Mobile Phones. In PervasiveHealth’10,  2010. [15] S. Salvador, P. Chan, Toward accurate dynamic time warping in  linear time and space, In Journal Intelligent Data Analysis, 2007. [16] web references, [17] Sherlock: Micro-environment Sensing for  Smartphones Zheng Yang, Member, IEEE

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Maya Angelou at Rutgers :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Maya Angelou was raised in segregated rural Arkansas. She is a poet, historian, author, actress, playwright, civil-rights activist, producer and director. She lectures throughout the United States and abroad and is Reynolds professor of American Studies at Wake Forest University in North Carolina since 1981. She has published ten best selling books and numerous magazine articles earning her Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award nominations. At the request of President Clinton, she wrote and delivered a poem at his 1993 Presidential Inauguration. She also wrote and delivered a poem in 1995 titled 'A Brave and Startling Truth' in honor of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dr. Angelou, who speaks French, Spanish, Italian and West African Fanti, began her career in drama and dance. She married a South African freedom fighter and lived in Cairo where she was editor of The Arab Observer, the only English-language news weekly in the Middle East. In Ghana, she was the feature editor of The African Review and taught at the University of Ghana. In the 1960's, at the request of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Ms. Angelou became the northern coordinator for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. She was appointed by President Gerald Ford to the Bicentennial Commission and by President Jimmy Carter to the National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On the evening of Monday, October 28th, 2002, this great woman visited the faculty, staff, students and guests at Rutgers University. To enter the little gymnasium on College Avenue, where the event would be held and would eventually house nearly 2,000 people, everyone needed a ticket, a ticket that I did not have because they had sold out so quickly. Nevertheless, I was determined to be there. So I adorned myself in the appropriate attire, left my apartment, and at 6:45 found myself on College Avenue in a line that spanned from the doors of the gym all the way to Au Bon Pain. No one seemed to care that it was 30 ° outside that night. Up and down the line you could hear snippets of conversations resonating excitement and anticipation of the night’s event. For some who had seen Dr. Angelou in the past it would be an added treat, but for me it would be a first. I was going through ideas of things to say to the doorperson so they would let me in without a ti cket.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Tradition in Shirley Jacksons The Lottery Essay -- Shirley Jackson Lo

Tradition in Shirley Jackson's The Lottery  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shirley Jackson?s insights and observations about society are reflected in her shocking and disturbing short story The Lottery. Jackson reveals two general attitudes in this story: first is the shocking tendency for societies to select a scapegoat and second is the idea that communities are victims of social tradition and rituals. Anyone with knowledge of current events must be aware of times when society has seized upon a scapegoat as means of resolution. Countless politicians, military leaders, corporate executives and school administrators frequently use this proven technique.   The people of the small village were very similar to the leaders of our society.   The village people believed that someone had to be sacrificed to insure a good crop. "Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon", said Old Man Warner. It is scary to realize the similarities in the reasoning of the villagers and the reasoning employed today.   The villagers are aware that the sacrifice is inhumane but none want to stand and voice their opinion, for fear of going against society?s standards and being outcast or being stoned. "It?s not the way it used to be," Old Man Warner said clearly. "People ain?t the way they used to be." The population fears that if they go against society they might be chosen as the lottery winner OR disrupt thei r corn season. "Some places have already quit lotteries," Mrs. Adams said. "Nothing but trouble in that," Old Man Warner said stoutly. "Pack of young fools." By stoning Tessie, the villagers treat her as a scapegoat onto which they can project and repress their own temptations to rebel. The only person who shows their rebellious attitude is Tessie. She does not appear to ... ...d us or that we cause, is pointless and has no purpose. Yet this violence and evil grows from a seed within our hearts and minds waiting to free itself in times of panic and turmoil. We need to learn to find solutions to our problems instead of putting the blame on others as means of a remedy. When there are no other corrupt and sinful human beings to kill, society will turn on itself. Even caring and normal human beings can throw stones. Forgotten traditions can also be extremely dangerous as Shirley Jackson points out in her short story. People hear what they want to hear and choose what rituals to keep for traditions. As a society, we are just like the villagers, forgetting the original purpose of our rituals but continuing to go through the motions. Works Cited: Jackson, Shirley ?The Lottery and Other Stories.? New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1982.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

In school suspensions, out of school suspensions and expulsions Essay

Expulsions and suspensions refer to the disciplinary sanctions and dispensations that are imposed and rendered to students who have committed behavioral misconduct while at school. Expulsion refers to the permanent removal of a student from the schooling system. Expulsion comes following the commission of certain offenses that are deemed extraordinarily serious. In the case of such an expulsion, the law provides that such a student may not be absorbed within any other schooling system (Skiba, Eaton, Sotoo, 2004). According to the federal education law on District schools, an expelled student is never allowed to be ploughed back to any school. Schools are therefore supposed to adhere to strict guidelines and regulations for students that are under expulsion. Suspension on the other hand while in or even out of school refers to a partial and short lived detachment of a student from the normal schedule of the school. This may either be for some three days, some ten days or a period that could be longer than this. An indefinite suspension by a school principle demands that a student is rendered with all the laid down protections as he/she was under expulsion. The federal law provides that disabled students be given a different treatment which provides them a greater capacity of protection towards their discipline while at school. Consequently, the district is supposed to evaluate whether students under expulsion could be subject to special needs in order to provide them with the most optimal state of justice while under this regulatory penalty (http://idea. gseis. cla. edu/publications/suspension/images/suspension. pdf). According to the federal law, principals are given the mandate to expel students that may posses dangerous weapon(s), controlled medication, alcohol or illegal drugs and making any assault to the school employee(s). Also, students may be expelled or suspended when under the conviction or charge of felony. Expulsion or suspension consequently calls for a hearing which in this case may be either formal or informal. The informal hearing is that which comes immediately after the occurrence of the offense. Informal hearing may only remedy a suspension. However, a formal hearing is that which occurs before the expulsion of a student. A formal hearing requires a full notification of the student as well as his/her guardian or a parent on matters such as the place of the hearing, reasons, time and location. Temporary suspension may also come along in the event the principal has the believe that a certain student is of threat to the school employees, property or even to his/her fellow students (http://www. yh. com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetails. aspx? p=114&np=99&id=2239). The law also provides that the student be dispensed with certain legal rights on matters of expulsions and hearings. This may include notice of the charges that should be written. In this context, the student is under the legal obligation of been provided with an explanation that is written explaining the exact parameters of the trouble confining him/her to expulsion or suspension. The principal should also provide a hearing notice that should be written. This should include date of this hearing, place and time. The student is also under the right of bringing a representative such as an advocate or a lawyer. He/she is also under the legal right of bringing evidence or witnesses as a supplementary to the case (http://www. clcm. org/student_suspension. htm). Both expulsion and suspension are deemed good models to reinstate a child’s behavior and bring control in the normal running of the school.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Handmaids Tale Foreword

The Handmaids tale Foreword: In an age of consumerism and commercialization, the younger generations are demanding fast satisfaction and instant returns. They want see and own within a couple of taps on their screens which are specialized, personalized, made to meet their every demand. We are in an age where possessions define you. The commercial world loves us and consequently mass production and competition increases happily. Un-till we stop to ask, what costs do these freedoms come? Recently portrayed on the big screen The Handmaids Tale shouts out a universal and timeless message .As warning to us, Margaret Atwood presents the inconvenient truths about the ways in which we live our lives today. Dystopian totalitarian government, Gilead offers prime grounds for Atwood’s ironic and controversial comment . The novel paints a picture of a world undone by pollution, infertility, environmental degradation, declining birthrates and the dangers of nuclear power. It is a classic Re flection of the original production era, the 1980’s, in which the understanding of humanities environmental footprint went commercialGilead is set in a time where life had become so licentious that the morally aggrieved have overthrown, this in just over a decade. The similarities to reality in this novel lead the reader on a confronting journey, both of discovery and realization, positioning them to question society and all that is our normality. Living under the fundamentalist Gilead Ian regime, the commoner is stripped from all that they own and once lived for. It is a society in which freedom has been replaced by control.Due to a drastic decline in fertility rates, the few fertile woman left, are now treated as communal property and are selected for the role of womb, classified as ‘Handmaids’. Women find themselves no longer allowed to read, work, own property, or handle money. Consequently they are entrapped in a system, which defines them by their role: wom b, wife, prostitute, and servant. Various commanders move handmaids from house to house for fertilization and childbirth is miraculous. Reaping the benefits of this rarity are those in power .The rare commodity of a baby is distributed to the commander and his wife. Confronting and contrasting our ways of life today, Atwood evolves a threatening statement about the system. This ‘story’, discusses the social expectations that dominate our lives . In a fictional tale not dissimilar to history, it embodies the timeless tune of human nature. Painting a disturbingly graphic picture of the future and has her audience left appreciating all that we take for granted every day.Through the eyes of handmaid, Offred, we are transported into a totalitarian fundamentalist regime. Offred hangs on those who poison her existence. She has been stripped down to Breeding for breath. Passively resisting the regime Offred in her self is a comment on what it is that truly empowers us. Through off red’s circumstances Atwood has us asking the questions. What is the repercussion of our becoming so acquainted with freedom, that we stop fighting for it? What will the remedy be for when we finally are forced into facing the inconvenient truth?Through entertaining the ethical dilemmas of today, Atwood asks how we will work in solving the problems we are currently making for ourselves. All fundamental issues that the younger generations, the future leaders of our world need to be ware. A theocratic government, which demands false dichotomy, patriotism and ultimately Christian fundamentalism. The themes of this novel are Parallels with the monstrosities we are facing today, consequently presenting us with some disturbing realizations about reality.Presented in a fictional format this book is similar to the healthy version of a mud cake. Juicy, gooey, sweet and enticing, only unlike the pulp fiction today’s audiences crave, this piece of work leaves you thinking. The story hangs on the realities of our world. Yes the world is changing. Will there be anyone left soon from the liberation eras to endorse, and let us understand how to fight for our rights? Will the future of our world know how? I can only imagine these were Atwood’s questions when she set out in writing this prophetic piece. This is her legacy.This is how she answered the question. This is education, reaching out to the masses like someone able to speak a universal language . She has caused the problems in the hope that we will change. Such powerful words of warning becoming more relevant as time goes on, this novel will stand the tests of time and live throughout the 21st century. Atwood remarkably, is able to offer a confronting and ultimate insight into the society today, all this without one generically boring statistics. This is an Ultimately Disturbing dystopia that leaves its audiences captivated by the possibilities.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Dream Essay Essay

Imagine yourself 10 years from now. After spending most of your young life cramped inside of an overpopulated school, you are anxious to begin your dream job, the job that you have been waiting for since grade school. Now, it’s finally yours and no one can take it away from you, no matter how hard they try. Everyone has a dream that they would like to have come true later in life, whether it’s to have their dream job, or to meet their favorite celebrity. My dream in life is to finish school and become a doctor. I want this dream to come true because ever since the doctors at Saint Barnabas hospital saved my mother from dying from birth, my brother from dying from multiple asthma attacks, and my grandma from breast cancer, I knew I wanted to be like them someday, helping to save the lives of young(and old)people. There are multiple steps that I would have to take for me to fulfill my dream of becoming a doctor. The first step to accomplishing my goal is attending an Ivy League School. The best way to be able to attend an Ivy League School is getting admirable grades early. Ivy League Schools most likely won’t admit you to their school if you start doing well in school late in high school. You should also challenge yourself academically. This means taking advanced courses, especially ones that offer college credits. Ivy League Schools prefer students who do well in a challenging course than one that does exceptional in an average one. Although this may be a tedious task, I believe that it’s worth the wait. To accomplish my goal to become a doctor, I will have to be very studious and diligent for me to be able to finish school. When I close my eyes, I can imagine myself 15, 20 years from now, accomplishing my dream of becoming a doctor. After a long day of working as a doctor in my office in California, I finally get to come home to my wonderful husband, 2 kids, 2 dogs, a turtle, a hamster, and a guinea pig. The scene when I get home is different everyday. Sometimes, I come home to the find everything serene and the kids doing homework or the kids watching television with the dogs at their feet. But other times, I come home to total chaos. The kids are fighting for no apparent reason and the house is flipped completely upside down. But, even with the chaos, I love my family and wouldn’t change anything, even if I could. I can already imagine myself taking care of a patient. I’m working in my office when the doctors rush him in, telling me that he’s been in a horrible car accident and is unresponsive. They also tell me that a piece of the metal highway barrier has entered his body and when I look down, I can see it jutting out of the lower section of his thigh. We rush him into an operating room, give him the anesthesia, and start the procedure to remove the jutting highway barrier from the man’s body. After 6 hours, 3 cups of coffee, and a lot of skin and blood lost, we finally removed the piece of metal out of the man’s thigh. After the procedure, I got many accolades from my fellow doctors. Being a doctor demonstrates all of the capricious things that happen in life, but everyday, I revel the fact that I get to live out my dreams. Now that my dream is a reality, I can say that after many years of working hard in school, have accomplished my goal of becoming a doctor. Now, I can probably better understand how tired my mom actually was taking care of two kids and working full time. Working full time and becoming a mother to two kids makes me appreciate my mother even more than I already do. I know how hard she works to take care of me and my little brother and also to be able to pay all bills. Becoming a doctor changed my family’s life because now, instead of them taking care of me, I am old enough to take care of myself, and my family members. I hope that instead of fantasizing about it, I will actually get to live out my dream 15, 20 years from now.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Child abuse and neglect Essay

INTRODUCTION Child abuse and neglect can produce serious and long-lasting damage. The range of actions classified as child abuse or neglect is constantly changing as a result of social and economic conditions, political ideology, advances in medicine, improvements in communication and melding of cultures. Today, child abuse and neglect is widely recognized as a major social problem and policy issue throughout much of the world. During the last 50 years, the United States and many of the world’s nations have responded to child abuse and neglect with legislative efforts, a variety of programs and interventions, and organizational efforts to identify, respond to and prevent the abuse and neglect of dependent children. Today, there are innumerable local, national and international organizations, professional societies and advocacy groups devoted to preventing and treating child abuse and neglect. Significance of the Study One case related to child abuse and neglect is pedophilia. Pedophilia affects children of a certain sex and within a certain age, usually under the age of 15 or 16 years. Most pedophiles are not violent toward children, instead leading and enticing children to willingly perform sexual acts, although some are violent to the point of rape and murder. In 1974, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment act was passed which provides federal funding at the state level for prevention and response to child abuse. With this act, many states strengthened their response to child abuse and established child statutes in which parents may be prosecuted for abusing their children. Regardless of the legal response on pedophilia, it is clear that much cases never comes to the attention of the criminal justice system and is, unfortunately, never dealt with. This serious and alerting case should be fully characterized and understood for the good of the concerned children, especially the adolescents. What is Phedophilia? As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia is typically defined as a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children (generally age 13 years or younger). In contemporary Western societies, the subject is highly contentious and fraught with strong feelings. The strength of the feelings is readily explained by concern for the welfare of the children and for their healthy, unimpeded development. The child must be at least five years younger in the case of adolescent pedophiles. However, the term pedophile is often used to refer to any adult who is sexually attracted to males or females below the legal age of consent. While there is considerable psychological and sociological literature about pedophilia, philosophers working on the philosophy of sex have given relatively little attention to the subject. As pedophilia is seen as a paradigmatic case of sexual perversion and is generally viewed with strong moral revulsion, it might have been expected to generate more philosophical interest. Experts believe that most pedophiles are males. Some female adults are sexually attracted to boys or girls, but these children are usually at or beyond the age of puberty. Sometimes, however, females sexually abuse children in concert with males, or they will knowingly allow males to abuse their own children or other children. This is more likely to occur if the women are abusing drugs and/or alcohol. Pedophiles may believe that their behavior is normal and that it helps teach children how to become loving and affectionate. Such individuals avoid such words as pedophilia, preferring to use such terms as adult-child sex. They believe that others who do not understand their behavior are unreasonably rigid. Some organizations of pedophiles claim large memberships and actively support the practice of pedophilia. Pedophiles may fail to consider the short- or long-term consequences of their actions; for example, in one case, a pedophile was told by a child whom he had met on the Internet that her mother was a police officer, yet he molested the girl anyway. Most studies of pedophilia are performed on people in jail or prison, and it is also true that many acts of this are never reported. Ephebophilia: Its Opposite Ephebophilia is a variety of male homosexuality. Ephebophiles are attracted to post-pubertal, sexually mature youths. They are sexually attracted to the fully developed, vigorous maleness of adolescence. In the narrow sense, â€Å"pedophilia† refers only to sexual attraction of adults to pre-pubescent and sex with them. When the term is used in this sense, ephebophilia is not included as one of pedophilia’s varieties, but rather distinguished from it, the end of puberty providing the line of demarcation. Characteristics of Pedophiles Pedophiles are age and sex specific. They will normally prefer children of a certain sex and within a certain age. Child molesters fall into several categories. One is the fixated pedophile who never moves beyond the attraction he or she felt for children when he or she was a child. The regressed pedophile often turns to children in response to stressful life events. Although most pedophiles do not physically harm children, the mysoped makes the ritual connection between fatal sexual violence and personal gratification. The sadistic pedophile abducts children for the purpose of torturing and eventually killing them to achieve sexual gratification. Pedophiles come from a variety of backgrounds. Some are well educated, while others are illiterate. Many were not close to their fathers, and many came from homes where alcohol was a problem for at least one parent (usually the father). Pedophiles often have weak verbal skills, and almost 9 out of 10 felt particularly close to their mothers . The short size of the child provides the pedophile with an opportunity to exert power and authority. At the same time, the sex of the child has little to do with the adult sexual orientation of the molester. For example, a male pedophile may be very interested in sex with boys ages 9 or 10 years old, but at the same time be married and consider himself homosexual. Around 80% have been documented as having a history of childhood sexual abuse. The pedophile is known to the child in 90% of cases, 15% or more are relatives of the victim. Homosexual pedophilia does not differ from heterosexual pedophilia. Research on the victim points out that most are female and the molester is usually known. However; when a male is the victim, the molester may be a stranger. The degree of the pedophilia sexual act can vary ranging from simply observing the child, to touching, undressing, exposing of own genitalia, fondling, and sexual intercourse. II. CAUSES OF PEDOPHILIA The causes of pedophilia that have been researched remain unclear. It has been suggested that the pedophilia represents a regression or fixation at an earlier level of sexual development which resulted in an adult repetitive pattern of inappropriate sexual behavior. Therefore, it is suggested that the pedophile returns to a sexual habit that was developed early in life. It is also theorized that the pedophile is expressing revenge regarding a childhood trauma. It is also said that pedophilia is caused by a pleasurable sexual arousal to conditioned objects. The following are identified as possible causes of pedophilia: 1. Parental punishment of a small boy for sustaining an erection 2. Sexual abuse of a young male 3. Fear of sexual performance or intimacy 4. Psychosexual trauma 5. Socio-cultural and/or psychological factors 6. Excessive alcohol intake Previous studies have shown that same-sex child molester is higher than opposite-sex offenders, with offenders against boys being at a higher risk for delinquency, compared to offenders against boys. The number of prior offenses and the intensity of the fixation on children as sexual objects are factors that predict abuse. Another study was done over 111 child molesters. Child molesters included same-sex, opposite-sex, and mixed groups; all responded to stimuli of specific ages and sexes. Findings showed that the degree of sexual reoccupation with children, paraphilia, and number of prior sexual offences were predictors of sexual delinquency. The causes of pedophilia are unknown, but most scientists believe that conditioning in one form or another is involved. The motivation/ learning model can account for the development of pedophilia and can explain its distribution over the life span. A Person to be Declared as Pedophile The diagnosed criteria for a pedophile are as follows: 1. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors including sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger) 2. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty 3. The person is at least 16 years of age and at least 5 years older than the child or children molested III. EFFECTS OF PEDOPHILIA The effects of pedophilia to an individual, especially to those who are at a young age, include initial fear, anxiety, depression, anger, aggression and sexually inappropriate behavior. Boys have the same patterns of distress as girls, with symptoms such as fears, sleep disturbances, and distractedness; however, boys tend to be less symptomatic than girls. Additional long-term consequences include self-destructive behavior, isolation, low self-esteem, trust issues, substance abuse, and sexual problems. People who have a history of childhood sexual abuse have increased rates of depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, and alcohol and drug abuse. There is often an increase in psychopathology among victims of childhood sexual abuse and this psychopathology is manifested at times in the form of pedophilia or other inappropriate behaviors with young children. Victims of childhood sexual abuse are more likely than nonvictims of that abuse to manifest sexual hyper-arousal and sexually aggre ssive behavior with a tendency to repeat and reenact sexual victimizations as adults. Physical Damage Injury Depending on the age and size of the child, and the degree of force used, pedophilia may cause internal lacerations and bleeding. In severe cases, damage to internal organs may occur, which, in some cases, may cause death. Herman-Giddens found six certain and six probable cases of death due to child sexual abuse in North Carolina between 1985 and 1994. The victims ranged in age from 2 months to 10 years. Causes of death included trauma to the genitalia or rectum and sexual mutilation. Infections Pedophile acts may cause infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Depending on the age of the child, due to a lack of sufficient vaginal fluid, chances of infections are higher. Vaginitis has also been reported. Neurological Damage Research has shown that traumatic stress, including stress caused by sexual abuse, causes notable changes in brain functioning and development. A study was done on women who took SAT and it was found that the self-reported math Scholastic Aptitude Test scores of the sample of women with a history of repeated sexual abuse were significantly lower than the self-reported math SAT scores of the non-abused sample. Because the abused subjects verbal SAT scores were high, it was hypothesized that the low math SAT scores could â€Å"stem from a defect in hemispheric integration.† A strong association between short term memory impairments for all categories tested (verbal, visual, and global) and the duration of the abuse was also found. Psychological Damage Pedophilia can result in both short-term and long-term harm, including psychopathology in later life. Psychological, emotional, physical, and social effects include depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, eating disorders, poor self-esteem, dissociative and anxiety disorders; general psychological distress and disorders such as somatization, neurosis, chronic pain, sexualized behavior, school/learning problems; and behavior problems including substance abuse, self-destructive behavior, animal cruelty, crime in adulthood and the worst, suicide. Long term negative effects on development leading to repeated or additional victimization in adulthood are also associated with child sexual abuse. There are two contrasting adaptive styles in sexual abuse victims. One adaption strategy seeks mastery through active repetition of the trauma, while the other adaption copes by avoiding sexual stimuli. Victims of childhood sexual abuse may exhibit mood disorders including chronic anxiety, depression, delayed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety attacks, and hysterical symptoms. Victims of sexual abuse may also experience difficulties in intimate relationships and express a sense of alienation, isolation, stigmatization, and a negative self-image. There is a wide variety of psychological conditions that have been documented in sexually abused children, with a higher-than-average tendency toward repetition of either being victimized at the hands of an adult or victimization of children. Arguments that Aroused about Pedophilia In our type of society, pedophile sex is considered both a moral offense and a crime that deserves a truly, serious punishment. There are two further arguments against pedophilia behind both its moral disapprobation and legal prohibition. First, sex with minors is wrong because it is non-consensual; second, it is harmful to those who are concerned. Both of these arguments have been questioned throughout time. Now, let’s look on the way a pedophile is conceived by the public. The pedophile is often visualized as â€Å"a dirty old man†, a stranger to his victims, who forces himself on children and has a matured sexual intercourse, thus putting them through a frightening and painful experience and inflicting serious and long-term damages on them. The drastic effects of the cases explain why pedophiles are usually called child molesters, and why pedophilia seems to be â€Å"the most hated of all the sexual variations†. What is true is that most pedophiles are men but the majority is young or middle-aged. More often than not, they are not strangers; they are likely to be a family, neighbor, or other adults that are known to the victim. The harmful effects of pedophilia on a child’s sexual, emotional and personality development are still a matter of researches and debates; rather than an authorized fact. IV. EXAMPLES OF CASES CONCERNING PEDOPHILIA * A 65-year-old youth minister of the First Baptist Church from Sinton, Texas who admitted to molesting a 6-year-old girl shocked a congregation of followers. The story saw this pedophilic Baptist minister through his 37-year jail sentence. â€Å"I then hooked my thumbs in her waist,† the minister said, â€Å"and put my hands over her groin area, on the outside of her clothing.† â€Å"The first couple of times, she did not say anything,† the minister continued. â€Å"She was more interested in driving. But the second time, when I told her we needed to go home, and she slid over to the passenger seat, the look on her face killed my soul. I felt great remorse for having taken advantage of this child.† * A glam-rocker Gary Glitter was convicted of possessing child pornography, but actual child abuse allegations against him were dismissed because his accuser had sold her story in a newspaper. Glitter seems to be a prime example of the predatory pedophile, continually unrepentant, even after going 27 months of imprisonment in Vietnam for offences against two girls he claimed he was teaching English, after already being permanently barred from Cambodia in 2002 for sex allegations. This case had led for actions to remove passports from sex offenders. * February 11, 2011 – Laval police handled one of the biggest cyber pedophile cases. Sandro Tasillo, 26, is linked to internet sex crimes involving 30 young girls. Police say Tasillo would roam for underage victims on Facebook. He would offer girls money to take off their clothes in front of a webcam. But the money was never delivered, and the photos of the girls were often sold to other pedophiles. Tasillo was formally charged at the Laval courthouse. He faces a total of 40 sex charges. Police believe the 30 victims who have come forward are just the tip of the iceberg. Police are asking other potential victims to contact them as soon as possible. The investigation is still ongoing. V. TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF PEDOPHILIA Treatment for pedophilia emerged as a means to prevent child molestation or as a way to reduce sexual deterioration. That is, pedophilia is treated either when a person wants to remedy his pedophile tendencies, or when a person has committed a sexual offense against a child and his pedophilic interests addressed to reduce sexual deterioration. This combines preference-based treatment with programs designed to manage other criminogenic needs. Treatment would change factors known to be related to sex offending. Improvement of these factors would correlate highly and negatively with recidivism. Progress in treatment technology would be reflected in greater reductions in sexual deterioration over time. Treatment outcome studies using random assignment would show greater effect, and better-implemented programs would be more successful. In the earliest stages of behavior modification therapy, pedophiles may be narrowly viewed as being attracted to inappropriate persons. Such aversive stimuli as electric shocks have been administered to persons undergoing therapy for pedophilia. This approach has not been very successful. Another common form of treatment for pedophilia is psychotherapy, often of many years’ duration. It does not have a high rate of success in inducing pedophiles to change their behavior. Pedophilia may also be treated with medications. The three classes of medications most often used to treat pedophilia are: female hormones, particularly medroxyprogesterone acetate, or MPA; luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) agonists, which include such drugs as triptorelin, leuprolide acetate, and goserelin acetate; and anti-androgens, which block the uptake and metabolism of testosterone as well as reducing blood levels of this hormone. Most clinical studies of these drugs have been done in Germany, where the legal system has allowed their use in treating repeat sexual offenders since the 1970s. The anti-androgens in particular have been shown to be effective in reducing the rate of recidivism. Making the molester impotent is sometimes offered as a treatment to pedophiles who are repeat offenders or who have pleaded guilty to violent rape. Increasingly, pedophiles are being prosecuted under criminal statutes and being sentenced to prison terms. Imprisonment removes them from society for a period of time but does not usually remove their pedophilic tendencies. Many countries have begun to publish the names of persons being released from prison after serving time for pedophilia. Legal challenges to this practice are pending in various authorities. Some recommendations for the treatment of pedophilia are the following: 1. Risk assessment using a well-supported measure 2. Education of the client, his spouse or partner, family members and close friends 3. Behavioral treatments targeting pedophilic sexual arousal 4. Monitoring of pedophilic clients in terms of access to child pornography, unsupervised contacts with children, and potential disinhibitors such as alcohol or drug use 5. Drug treatments targeting sex drive for higher-risk individuals 6. Cognitive-behavioral and behavioral treatments targeting general risk factors for criminal behavior such as antisocial attitudes and beliefs, association with antisocial peers, and substance abuse Prevention The main method for preventing pedophilia is avoiding situations that may promote pedophilic acts. Children should never be allowed to engage in one-on-one situations with any adult other than their parents or trustworthy family members. Having another youth or adult as an observer provides some security for those who are concerned. Conferences and other activities can be conducted to provide privacy while still within sight of others. Children should be taught to yell or run if they are faced with an uncomfortable situation. They should also be taught that it is acceptable to scream or call for help in such situations. Another basis of preventing pedophilia is education. Children must be taught to avoid situations that make them defenseless to pedophiles. Adults who work with youth must be taught to avoid situations that may promote pedophilia. Many states have adopted legislation that requires background investigations of any adult who works with children. These persons may be paid, such as teachers, or they may be volunteers in a youth-serving organization. VI. CONCLUSION It is very evident that pedophilia is a serious problem of many countries. The alarming rate of pedophile cases must serve as an eye opener to our government, for them to take a serious look and enforce laws that give legal punishment to those who are proven guilty of this crime. Our justice system must be on its track to convict the culprit. Everyone should be responsible in handling this horrible crime. Laws against child abuse and neglect should be strengthened and each one of us should be informed about the terrible effects that this crime would cause. But, let us not only put the pressure to the government in solving this problem. We, in our own families, should be the first to take extra care to our own selves. Our family should be strong and open communication should be observed for the better. Help each other to protect our youth, because; as the saying goes, â€Å"The youth is the hope of our Fatherland.† B I B L I O G R A P H Y American Psychiatric Association. â€Å"Profile of a Pedophile†. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Arlington, USA: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., 2006. Clark, Robin. et al. The Encyclopedia of Child Abuse. New York: Infobase Publishing, 1998. Flisk, Dr. Reverend Louden-Hans. â€Å"Sexual Abuse†. Father, Deliver Us from Evil. USA: By the Author, 2004. Gabbard, Glen. â€Å"Summary and Recommendations on Psychological Treatments†. Gabbard’s Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders. USA: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., 2007. Greenberg, Jerrold. et al. â€Å"The Pedophiliac†. Exploring the Dimensions of Human Sexuality. Canada: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011. Laws, D. Richard and O’Donohue, William. â€Å"Pedophilia: Treatment†. Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment. USA: The Guilford Press, 2008. Murray, David. â€Å"The Homosexualization of Pedophilia†. Homophobias: Lust and Loathing across Time and Space. USA: Duke University Press, 2009. Primoratz, Igor. â€Å"What’s wrong with Pedophilia?†. Ethics and Sex. London: Routledge, 1999. Soble, Alan. â€Å"Pedophilia†. Sex from Plato to Paglia: A Philosophical Encyclopedia. USA: Greenwood Press, 2006. Vito, Gennaro. et al. â€Å"The Criminal Justice Response†. Criminology: Theory, Research and Policy. Canada: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc., 2007. Internet Sources

Friday, September 13, 2019

Essay question Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Essay question - Coursework Example nesis is a concept in Plates theory that involves both epistemological and psychological theories that are developed in both his Meno and Phaedo dialogues. Russell on the other hand discusses the theory of knowledge in diverse measures of trying to unmask knowledge to its fine tiny particles. The platonic theory of anamnesis is mainly subjective to Orphism and Pythagoreanism and a belief in transmigration of souls (Koehler, 1972). It is also eminent of the thought pre existence of humanity with the sense of a soul. According to the theory of anamnesis, human discovers knowledge acquired during previous incarnations of the soul. This doctrine stipulates that, the soul knows truths about universal values and ideas. These values and ideas are known to be of non-materialistic sense. The soul already possesses knowledge hence its only duty is to recall ideas and occasions. Russell’s theory defines knowledge in that for an individual to discuss knowledge, one must be able to know the definition of a belief and the definition of a fact. There should be a known fact that connects with a certain belief that makes an agreement. As compared to the plutonic theory, Russells theory is determined to identify the major elements of knowledge and how they relate to the human soul. Russell defined a belief as the state of mind of a particular perception. A belief is set in accordance to the common sense. The human soul has the ability to feel and dictate the way a human being behaves. Consequently, a belief can be perceived as a percetin o common sense being manifested as behavior without any proof of mental occurrence. The interpretation of human knowledge according to this doctrine utilizes the theory of prior knowledge but it gives a different description as opposed to Kantianism or the neo-Kantianism theories. In contrast to this theory, Russell explains that knowledge is as a result of the distinction that truth and error exists. Theory of knowledge

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Concept Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Concept Analysis - Research Paper Example The theoretical basis of self care as a nursing concept is based on a number of theories that particularly attempt to explain behavior changes associated with self care practices and why some individuals do or do not undertake some of the self care activities. According to Orem’s conceptual theory of self care, individuals have a strong need to achieve maximum level of independence and take care of themselves. On the other hand, the self regulation model of self care developed Leventhal and Robitaille (1998) argues that the individuals’ differences and motivations is a critical factor that determines their ability to initiate and sustain self care practices. This paper critically analyzes the concept of self care with particular focus to the insights, validity and reliability of the contributions of different authors to the development of the concept. Aims of the analysis The primary aim of this concept analysis is to provide an important insight and critical review of the concept of self care using the methodology of (Walker and Avant, 2010). The other important purpose of this critique is to provide an integrated discussion of the importance of self care in nursing practice using the diverse view points and empirical scientific arguments from different authors. Lastly, the findings of this concept analysis will be important in the future scientific studies regarding the varying abilities of individuals to initiate and sustain self care related behaviors. Literature review on the concept of self care and its uses There is considerable variation in the documented theories and conclusions supporting the concept of self care as an important nursing practice. Generally most researchers have based their arguments on the current existing theories of behavior change in their attempt to develop and explain the themes and concept of self care. In their theory of self regulation model of self care, Leventhal and Robitaille (1998) suggests that differences in motivations is one of the primary factors influencing the ability of individuals to initiate and sustain self care related behaviors. The two authors further developed an empirical model that illustrated the interactions between an individual’s reality and his /her emotional reactions. Gantz (1990) also concur that it is through such reactions that the procedures and actions plans for managing symptoms of illnesses and health problems can be generated. On the other hand, Orem (2001), proposed a theory that attempted to explain the concept of self care based on the nature of care environments where nursing interventions are undertaken. According to many authors, self care is one of the most important complements to professional health care that is usually given to persons with chronic illnesses and other health related problems. According to Norburn and Ory (1995), self care behavior is a broader concept that goes beyond simply following the doctor’s advice and incor porates patients learning and using their previous experience to help them restore their health. The potential benefits of self care as a nursing practice include reduced health care costs, enhanced working relationship between patients and health care providers, increased patient experience as well as the overall improvement of the patients perception of

Nanjing Massacre Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nanjing Massacre - Term Paper Example This unprecedented catastrophe called Nanjing Massacre, or the Rape of Nanking, was a living hell for its victims and until present time it a symbol of Japanese militarism in World War II. Western nations for some time were not acknowledging Nanjing’s tragedy. There were several political factors that have contributed to it. The Japanese government downplayed the degree of its militaristic advances during World War II immediately after the war, while both Chinese govern-ments purposefully neglected the incident as they focused on establish ¬ing their political and economic strength, which required a sound relationship with Japan. The U.S. government valued Japan's position as a strategic ally during the Cold War more than the need for justice. Such political complications led each country to circumvent the issues of Nanking. (Li, Fei-Fei, xxiii) HISTORIC BACKGROUND After the incident on the railroad in the city of Mukden in September 1931, Japan, blaming Chinese nationalists for that explosion, began the invasion of Manchuria, China. Since that time several major battles between Japanese military forces Chinese army were raged, such as battle in Shanghai (1932), Great Wall (1933). To solve the situation, some agreements were settled between China and Japan which somewhat defused the situation near Manchuria. At that time China was engulfed into the Civil War and therefore was not able to considerably oppose Japanese invasion. An important incident happened in China in December of 1936, known as Xi'an Incident, when former warlord of Manchuria was suddenly arrested and kidnapped. This incident led the Nationalists and the Communists to form an united front against Japan in 1937. It is then that an all out defense against Japanese military started, at least formally. China had the largest army in the world at the time, but most of the Chinese arm y was not trained and poorly equipped, with some troops armed mainly with swords and hand grenades. Only few corps had anti-tank weaponry. 7 July 1937 a battle between Republic of China's National Revolutionary Army and the Imperial Japanese Army happened. This battle is often signify the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War. Shortly after that Japan extensively invaded mainland China and captured major Chinese cities. Some Chinese still remember Marco Polo Bridge Incident and Mukden as days of national humiliation. Japanese military forces had planned to conquer China in just three months, but in August of 1937 it faced strong resistance and had many casualties in the Battle of Shanghai, a very bloody hand-to-hand combat. Some historians believe that this situation contributed to the psychological conditions of the Japanese soldiers to later be so grueling cruel in Nanjing. The Japanese had captured Shanghai only by mid-November with the help of fleet and Air Force. The casual ties were so heavy that General Staff Headquarters in Tokyo decided not to expand the war. By that time the morale of the troops were very low. As the Japanese army grew closer to Nanjing, Chinese civilians fled the city. Chinese military themselves were destroying anything in the city that might be of value to the Japanese army – many buildings in the city, forest and entire villages around Nanjing were burnt to the ground. NANJING MASSACRE On December 7, the Japanese army came close to the city walls of Nanjing. They dropped leaflets into the city, requesting the surrender of Nanjing within 24 hours and promising mercy to innocent civilians.